It says right in the bible you are to look humble and look good in your "works",
So why can't you where costly cloths, pearls and gold or braided hair?
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? Not all of them
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? Because that is one of those biblical injunctions that apply to everyone *else*.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? i am not against these things. But the inside is more important than the outside.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? An unbeliever can't possibly interpret the scriptures.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? Depends what religion specifically. I'm cristian catholic and we aren't against any of those. Research online or something lol.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? The biblical passage to which you're referring (1 Corinthians 11) is addressing women who dressed up like prostitutes then came to church. It's not a slam against jewelry in and of itself.
However, Christians are to be humble and not store up treasures on the earth, so in that sense, you have a valid point.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? Aren't you answering your own question?
The passage is not forbidding those things. it is saying that is not what your beauty should be based on.
On the other hand, if you were exposed to a little bit of the needless suffering in this world, you would probably think twice about some of those expenses, and try to give a little more where it could help.
However the braided hair passage is NOT a prohibition, but telling you what should make you really beautiful.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? I'm sure that's at the top of their list along with shunning porks and devil people, aren't they just nice?
Although the Pope wore Gucci glasses and Prada shoes so who knows...
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? They do wear all that expensive stuff, haven't you ever went to church.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? The 'christians' who are, are usually the ones that are afraid to ask God for those is the LOVE of those things that is not good and if you love things more than you love God that's when the problem start
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? You can if you have been perfected in spirit first. If not then you are merely parading your beauty and gold before man and GOD.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? It depends on which church you go to. Jim Baker and Tammy Faye didn't have any problem with living like a king and queen. The pope and cardinals don't do bad for themselves either.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? Nothing ungodly about wearing nice things. The exhortation to look humble was to have a humble look about us, meaning our attitude, not to walk around proud.
Jesus wore a nice tunic. At His crucifixion the Roman soldiers cast lots for this garment because it was made from a single piece of material and they didn't want to tear it up dividing it among themselves.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? MOST CHRISTIANS LIKE THOSE THINGS AND DO WEAR FANCY CLOTHES AND BRAID THEIR HAIR TOO.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? well... some denominations are against all of that. some have various standards of dress. for example, some pentocostal churches require no makeup, not cutting hair (for females) wearing little or no jewelry, and wearing long skirts. most denominations encourage modesty.... except catholics!! and i'm allowed to say that because 1/2 my family is catholic.
and yes, i agree with the bible can't necessarily be taken literally... because it was passed through many sets of hands
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? some are against it... some are not... i braid my daughters hair all the time... i wear jewelry... i think it all has to do with the motive of your heart and not the outside 'garb' of life... if people would stop judging by the outsides and look inside people's hearts.... that is what is important.
I get tired of people who say 'so n so dresses so grubby for church' ... or 'my goodness, that shirt is awful low cut' or 'that skirt is too short'
my feeling is taht God wants us to come worship him just the way we are... we do not have to put on airs... nor do we have to 'dress down'.... God knows the motives of our hearts!
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? I don`t have a problem with it.Some churches say you shouldn`t draw attention to yourself.I`ve heard it said that by women looking good that they could cause a man to lust after them.I don`t believe any of that,I think you should dress according to the way you feel.If your a christian your going to dress to look good in your own eyes and Gods.Jewelry is another put down in some churches.They say you shouldn`t spend money on things while others are going hungry.But Then you`ll see them driving a real high price car.There`s no commandment saying what you should wear being its clothes or jewelry.I believe the braided hair is mentioned in the Bible but I`d have to look it up,I have a feeling its probably some custom that wasn`t from the Christians but probably the gentiles.So it was probably frowned upon for some reason back then in the early church.Like I said I`d have to go back and study on that one.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? The apostel Peter was addressing the culuture of his today. He sent a message to the Jews not to imitate worldly people and their lust for material things. It is okay for Christians to wear jewelry and nice clothes, but not to lust and over accessorize as the world does. Remember king Solomon was filthy rich. As for the "braids", this was in reference to Jewish women who were braiding their hair to say they were manly in nature or the man in their household. The braiding of hair was something on the men did in Jewish culture and was identified with men. For a women to braid her hair, she was saying she held the role of a man.
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair? hi cleo e,
here are my answers to your questions
1) You ask:
Are Christians against expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair?
My answer:
True christians and the way our church practice are against all these expensive fancy cloths, jewelry and braided hair. All our women christians does not practice braided hair, nor wears jewelry nor expensive fancy cloths. Our church practice this because it was written in the bible as part of the teachings that should be followed by christians which was written in
9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
You said:
It says right in the bible you are to look humble and look good in your "works",
My remarks:
Yes, it was written in 1 Peter 3:3-5
3 Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands:
You can contact Bro Eli directly at . Bro Eli has a lot of knowledge regarding this matter, and be able to give you sensible answers to any religious questions you have in mind.
Christian regards,